Bounce rapid touch

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Keep in mind: You should exercise all of these hacks with caution and read the label on your garment first. If timing is an issue, some of the best washer and dryer sets now have features that can help you get your laundry done in record time-and maybe even self-start if you're busy with another task. So be sure to remove clothing from the dryer when it's still warm, then fold or properly store items on a hanger as soon as possible to avoid wrinkles. Leaving your hot clothing in the dryer longer than necessary and letting it cool in a pile guarantees a wrinkled mess-especially if they get buried under bulkier items like towels, sheets, or a cooling blanket in a laundry basket afterward. Parenting is one of the most complex and challenging jobs youll face in your lifetime - but also the most rewarding. After all, clothing doesn't just wrinkle on its own. However, the easiest way to get rid of wrinkles is to prevent them in the first place. It won't even need a trip to the dry cleaner or for you to spend much, if any, money. In fact, many clothing care hacks require far less effort and time.

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Luckily, you don't really need an iron to get wrinkles out of clothes. You have to get out one of those giant ironing boards, make sure you use the right setting, let it heat up-and that's all before you even go to town on your clothes. But while wrinkles are an annoyance, ironing is such a chore. There's no faster way to commit a fashion faux pas than going to an event, work, or (yikes) a job interview in a wrinkled outfit.

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